
CRA is part of a major European project - FIT4FOOD2030 aiming to support the EC in the development and implementation of the Food2030 policy. The EU Program Food2030 is built on the basic priorities for food and nutrition safety:

  • NUTRITION for sustainable and healthy diets.
  • CLIMATE smart and environmentally sustainable food systems.
  • CIRCULARITY and resource efficiency of food systems.
  • INNOVATION and empowerment of communities.

It is fully understood now that a transformation of R&I on food and nutrition security is urgently needed. Under FIT4FOOD2030 interlinked structures throughout Europe will be developed divided into groups that work on distinct aspects of the new nutrition system.The City Lab group, in which CRA participates as the manager of City Lab Sofia, deals with pilot action-oriented trainings of citizens in the basics of the nutritional system. Our target groups are school children and university students.  

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