SUCCESS4AL - the new project in which CRA participates under Erazmus+. The idea was born on the basis of the triple nexus of entrepreneurship, inclusive education and ICT-enabled education. The overall objective of the SUCCESS4ALL project is to develop and demonstrate an innovative e-learning platform providing access to training on entrepreneurship skills for all students at European universities, including those with special needs by adopting an inclusive education approach.
Specific project objectives include:
• To promote entrepreneurship thinking and strengthen entrepreneurship skills among students, including students with disabilities in Europe;
• To share successful practices and expertise on entrepreneurship skills training and e-learning education;
• To contribute to the integration of disabled students into higher education and in promoting the inclusive education agenda;
• To raise awareness of the need and opportunities for business and industry in employing handicapped young people, addressing their needs and also utilising their specific potential;
• To develop, test and validate an innovative e-learning course on entrepreneurship skills;
• To draft an innovative E-learning methodology specifically designed to the needs of the target group.
• To contribute to the integration of teaching of entrepreneurship in higher education
Horizontal Priorities:
- Improving transversal competences (entrepreneurship);
- Employing an inclusive education approach which reduces disparities between disadvantaged learners through adopting innovative integrated approaches;
- Providing an open and innovative education embedded in the digital era by developing an e-learning course.
The SUCCESS4ALL project gathers 8 partners from 3 different EU Member States (France, Latvia, Bulgaria) having complementary profiles in order to provide the necessary expertise for the implementation of all project tasks and is coordinated by Paris School of Business (PSB).