On 20.12 the Faculty of Machine Technology at Technical University - Sofia who had a stand in the Traveling Exhibition Beyond the Lab – Do It Yourself organized a Reversed Science Café discussion Digital Dental Implant Construction. University experts who team up with medical teams presented their achievements in improving our…
Having coffee with my doctor, an exciting event of the series of Sparks activities took place on 21st of November at 2 pm at the venue hosting the Exhibition. was presented and discussed. About 30 persons having cardiovascular problems or having relatives who have these joint to meet with a cardiologist to discuss their…
The Exhibition was opened to the public on 28 October. The official event, however happened on the 3th of November, to coincide with a highly appreciated Bulgarian holiday The Day of the National Leaders (historical persons engaged mostly with the spiritual development of the nation: education, science, culture). The day…
On 29.09.2017 the Molecular Medicine Centre opened its doors to the public presenting the achievements of the modern “Omics” technologies and its application in medicine. Nearly hundred visitors of all ages were shown the laboratories for Metabolomics,and Proteomics, Next Generation Sequencing and Microarray analyses, as well…
The Exhibition started in 2016 in London.
Look at the citizens who did it:
Image: Angela Moore
Presentation of the project SPARKS and the exhibition Beyond the Lab – Do It Yourself to the public at the Sofia Science Festival, May 2017.
On 30.09.2016 during the Researcher's Night a science café was organized on the premises of the Technical University of Sofia under the project SPARKS. A robot designed to perform assisted reproductive technology procedure was presented.
The EU-supported project Sparks has officially started. Gathering 33 organisations from 29 European countries, and led by Ecsite, Sparks is aimed at bridging the gap between the super-fast pace of scientific innovation and society through an interactive exhibition and over 230 engaging activities taking place across the whole…
Workshop and science café on Food-borne pathogens and food safety took place on 26-27 May 2016 on the premises of the Institute of Microbiology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences under project SPARKS
Project SPARKS activities - DNA Repair – a Double-edged Sword, presented at Sofia Science Festival