To be identified key historical events, which are difficult to taught and learned by students from different ethnic cultures
Overall: to assist history teaching in multicultural environment and to encourage knowledge and good practices exchange between Bulgaria and Norway.
- Analysis of the challenges to teach history in multicultural environment;
- Development of teaching subjects that support mutual understanding;
- To support empathy and understanding in a society with constantly growing heterogeneity;
- To explore new teaching methods;
- To identify competencies needed for the students and skills necessary for the teachers;
- To identify partnership strategies with other history teaching experts;
- To develop communication skills of the students from different ethnic origin.
Expected outcome:
Special methodology and tools for history teaching in multicultural environment developed aimed at bettering mutual understanding, tolerant behavior and encouraging multicultural dialog and solidarity.
- Center for research and analyses,
- Oslo and Akershus University college of applied sciences, 56 Secondary school “Konstantin Irechek”, Sofia, 8 Secondary school “Arseniy Konstentsev”, Blagoevgrad, Secondary school “Vasil Levski”, Isperih.
- Defining the status quo and challenges of history teaching in Bulgaria depending on social and demographic context, cultural and behavioral differences through in-depth interviews of history teachers and discussions in different country regions;
- Knowledge and good practices exchange between Bulgarian and Norwegian experts.