3,6 mln people were made aware of the European Researchers' Night 2018 and its objectives through the awareness campaign, 18681 children, young people and citizens attend the events.
Here is where REFRESH was on 29th of September 2018:
SOFIA: Serdica Ancient Complex, Medical University Sofia, Technical University Sofia, University of Mining and Geology St. Ivan Rilski, University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, National Sports Academy Vasil Levski, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore with Ethnographic Museum – BAS, AgroBioInstitute – SAA, Sofia Tech Park, National Museum of Natural History at BAS, Astronomy Observatory at Sofia University, Beli Brezi Children’s Eco-Station and Museum of Owls, National Polytechnic Museum, Muzeiko, TechnoMagicLand, MOVE.BG, Chitalishte.to, Ratio in Club Terminal 1
PLOVDIV: Medical University Plovdiv, University of Food Technologies, Institute of Vegetable Crops Research “Maritza”
VARNA: Institute of Oceanology at BAS, Research Boat “Akademic”, Natural History Museum – Varna, “Copernicus” National Observatory – Varna, Festival and Congress Center – Varna.
RUSE: “Battenberg” Square Garden, Regional Library Ruse, Regional History Museum Ruse
GABROVO: Technical University Gabrovo, The Museum of Humour and Satire,
BLAGOEVGRAD: South-West University “N. Rilski”
BURGAS: General School “I. Vazov”, Archaeology Museum - Burgas
DOLNA MITROPOLIA: 6 municipal schools on the territory of the municipality
National centre for extracurricular activities – town of Trastenik
National centre for extracurricular activities - Baykal village
PLEVEN: Panorama Complex “Pleven Epic 1877”, Medical University – Pleven, Regional History Museum – Pleven
ROZHEN National Astronomy Observatory Rozhen
SLIVEN: Cinema „Aglika’s Medow“, Museum of Textile Industry
STARA ZAGORA: Regional Library – Stara Zagora
Rodopi mountain narrow-rails train from Septemvri to Velingrad