On June 10th, 2020 the YOUthCAP Consortium partners 1st met to discuss the project progress and the results achieved so far.
In the past months YOUthCAP partners and stakeholders worked together in preparing the analysis on skill gap in capacity of youth organizations and to identify the knowledge required for youth professional realization – the country profiles. Following is summarizing of all national reports and accomplishing a comparative analysis.
Given the importance and relevance of the topic YOUthCAP Consortium remains committed to give a clear overview on the following targets that will ensure YOUthCAPs’ high-level presence and increased stakeholder involvement:
- diagnostics on required skills of young people for sustainable employment opportunities considering innovation and digital society,
- review on gap in policies and in capacity building of youth organizations;
- skills based profiling and matching; and
- Identification of best practices in establishing the necessary capacity.
Next project activities will focus on identification and preparation of the targeted training areas, and design of pilot training modules aimed directly at stimulating sustainable employment among young people.