The fifth training seminar under the project YouthCap, Employing Innovative tools for raising YOUTH organizations’ CAPacity and youth carrier development (coordinated by CRA and financed by Erazmus+ Programme), was hosted by the Serbian partner, the NGO Osvezenje. The event took place on October 20 to 24, 2022 in Pirot, Serbia…
Training seminar: Are you willing to better know and improve the most requested skills by employers? You are in the right place! The team of CAST will help you to boost your employability through a two days series of seminars and workshops focused on career orientation, the most demanded skills nowadays and much more!
On September 4th Centre for Research and Analysis hosted FIT4FOOD 2030 second workshop. Representatives of different professional fields took part in the meeting. The interest towards Sofia City Lab and its goals is growing. Not only directors and teachers in several schools, but also business representatives with…
At June 19th the project was presented to the Bulgarian specialists in the field during the regular seminar “Ensuring quality and safety of food, beverages and feed” a joint event of Training Centre for Food Quality and Safety, Department of Biotechnology at University of Food Technology, Bulgarian Agency for Food Safety and…
With the active participation and support of CRA, FIT4FOOD2030 was presented at a major event dedicated to food. On June the 13th it was accompanying event to the European Conference Food 2030: “Research and Innovation for Food and Nutrition Security – Transforming our food systems” hosted in Plovdiv as part of the Bulgarian…
CRA is part of a major European project - FIT4FOOD2030 aiming to support the EC in the development and implementation of the Food2030 policy. The EU Program Food2030 is built on the basic priorities for food and nutrition safety.
For more details look at
The annual observance of the International Day of Disabled Persons was proclaimed in 1992, by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 47/3. This year topic of the Day is Transformation towards sustainable and resilient society for all. Participating in Erasmus Success4All project is our humble contribution in the efforts…
Having coffee with my doctor, an exciting event of the series of Sparks activities took place on 21st of November at 2 pm at the venue hosting the Exhibition. was presented and discussed. About 30 persons having cardiovascular problems or having relatives who have these joint to meet with a cardiologist to discuss their…
On Friday 29 September, take a virtual tour of the CERN experiments from your armchair! The tours will be conducted in several languages and on Facebook live from the various CERN venues as follows:
The Exhibition started in 2016 in London.
Look at the citizens who did it:
Image: Angela Moore