History teaching in multicultural and poli-ethnic society was the basic topic of the Center for research and analyses (CRA) team work visit in Oslo. Basic methods and elements of history teaching in multicultural environment were discussed. Interactive work methods were demonstrated in the Holocaust museum, cases and practical work models were presented. A special attention was paid to practical work – Bulgarian experts participated in real classes, where students in history demonstrated monitoring, analysis and interpretation of contemporary historical events.
CRA team presented the multiethnic situation in Bulgaria and the Balkans. Socioeconomic and cultural processes affecting ethnic and cultural development of the country were also revealed. Results of the focus-group research in certain schools in the country were presented; good practices, applicable techniques and experience of the multiethnic regions were discussed.
The project is implemented in the partnership with Oslo and Akershus University college of applied sciences (HiOA), which is the biggest state University college in Norway with wide variety of professional programs. The emphasis is put on programs and professions which create welfare and added value to society. This is the field where HiOA contributes with its high quality education and professional qualifications.
Norwegian partners will demonstrate to their Bulgarian counterparts specific models for history teaching in multicultural schools and will help Bulgarian colleagues to develop such model for teaching in in Bulgaria. The partner will organize five day work visit in Norway for Bulgarian history teachers and experts and as a result of the cooperation innovative model for history teaching in Bulgaria will be developed.
Schools contributing to the project:
- 56 Secondary school “Konstantin Irechek”, Sofia
- Secondary school “Vasil Levski”, Isperih
- 8 Secondary school “Arseniy Konstentsev”, Blagoevgrad
- History Education, Intercultural education - Challenges -resources, Dr. Kristin Skinstad van der Kooij;
- Teaching history in divided societies, Dr. Merethe Skaras;
- Ethnic, Religious and Cultural Diversity on the Balkans – History, Traditions and Modern Dimensions. The Case of Bulgaria, Assoc. Prof. Petko Hristov;
- History teaching in multicultural society: challenges and models, Assoc. Prof. Petko Hristov.