As part of the activities to promote our new project Chips of Europe to as broad as possible audience, we presented the ideas and goals of the project at the Science festival organized in Varna (October 24-27, 2024). Varna is the third largest city in Bulgaria and home of a technical, medical and naval universities and of many young people interested in science and innovation. The festival allowed us to demonstrate how microelectronics and semiconductor devices could be used to solve practical problems related to everyday life (phones, smart homes, pet care, farms in urban environment (farm on a balcony), to science, education and, thus, engage students in in careers in semiconductor industry.
The stand was visited by children, school and university students, parents and teachers.
The presenters, Tsvetanka Angelova and Dean Yalamov used two MicroBits to attract visitors’ attention and start dialogue about semiconductors.
The presentation running on one of the computers showed 14 professions related to CHIPS of Europe, among these: IC Designer, Process Engineer, Sales Engineer, Machine Learning Engineer and Quantum Semiconductor Researcher.
The project attracted special attention among the visiting teachers resulting in an invitation to present CHIPS of Europe in future targeted events at their schools.