The Centre for Research announces the support opportunity for agri-food start-ups, an EIT FOOD initiative. EIT FOOD, a consortium of over 50 partners including European companies, research institutes and universities, is part of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT, an EU body). EIT FOOD helps those, who have entrepreneurial ideas in areas related to the agri-food sector or have already established a start-up company in this sector. Now, EIT FOOD announces EIT Food Seedbed - an ongoing free-of-charge program supporting innovative agri-food startups. Detailed information about the program can be found at: https://www.eitfood.eu/entrepreneurship/projects/Seedbed and on the website of Seedbed Hub Warsaw: http://timo.wz.uw.edu.pl/Seedbed, where you can also find testimonials of startups and mentors, who participated in Seedbed last year.
The website includes a link to application form on start-up portal F6S: https://www.f6s.com/seedbed2020/apply
Application deadline is March the 15th, 2020 and early submissions are strongly encouraged. The program addresses idea holders and early-stage startups and apart from typical agri-food solutions, start-ups may also operate in fields related to the food system, including: machines and equipment for agriculture and food manufacturing, logistics, packaging, ICT solutions, food waste reduction, business services or social innovations.
For further questions, you could contact EIT by e-mail or ask questions via the application website: https://www.f6s.com/seedbed2020.