“Strategic partnership for AGRI-entrepreneurship and EcoInnovation” - AgriEco project, financed under the ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME, Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Strategic partnerships in the field of education, training and youth, Agreement n°2019-1-BG01-KA203-062284, KA 203/HE-26/17-09…
News and announcements
We are proud to share with you the decision of EU to give the Success4All project the "good practice" evaluation. This decision was communicated through a Notification from the Erasmus + Agency, France.
The second stage of the FIT$FOOD project is starting. The educational modules prepared in the previous stage will be tested with children 8 to 13 years of age.
Follow the project page for details
The last open workshop, part of FIT4FOOD 2030 project, will be held on the premises of the Center for Research and Analysis on January 16th at 4 p.m. We will discuss the recommendations made by the team of professionals who are helping us to prepare the next steps in building up Sofia City Lab – designing the educational…
On November 5, 2018, the European Day of the Entrepreneur was held at the House of Europe in Sofia under the slogan "Youth Entrepreneurship - Practices and Prospects". The European Day of the Entrepreneur is held every year at the beginning of November. The organizers are the Science Research Center (NIS) of Sofia University "…
3,6 mln people were made aware of the European Researchers' Night 2018 and its objectives through the awareness campaign, 18681 children, young people and citizens attend the events.
Here is where REFRESH was on 29th of September 2018:
CRA is happy to announce the start of the new project REFRESH - European Researcher's Night 2018 -2019 on the 1st of June. Refresh has 21 partners and over 30 associated partners from Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Russe, Gabrovo, Pleven, Stara Zagora, Sliven, Kotel, Dolna Mitropolia.
The Center for Research and Analysis conducts an informational campaign entitled 100 % YOU. The campaign is part of the National program for implementation of youth activities under art. 10A of the Gambling Act, which is implemented by the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The informational campaign aims to prevent all forms of…
CRA is part of a major European project - FIT4FOOD2030 aiming to support the EC in the development and implementation of the Food2030 policy. The EU Program Food2030 is built on the basic priorities for food and nutrition safety.
For more details look at https://fit4food2030.eu/.
The University of National and World Economy (UNWE) disseminates the Success4all handbooks through its Web- and Facebook pages.