On July 19th, a partner meeting was held under the CAST project - CApacity building for success - foSTering youth professional realization and employability, coordinated by PRONA foundation, Montenegro. Discussed were the current project activities, and the forthcoming tasks, as well as  the results achieved so far,...
A working meeting was held on May 26 between all partner organizations to discuss upcoming tasks and the first steps to meet the objectives of the CAST project - CApacity building for success - foSTering youth professional realization and employability, funded by the Erasmus + program, in which the Center is involved.The...
Traditionally, CRA was part of the XI Sofia Science Festival, organized by the British Council and held on May 15 and 16, 2021 in Sofia Tech Park. The Center presented the national and international projects it is working on and the results of all activities.If you are interested in detail, please visit the British Council (the...


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