
On 20.12 the Faculty of Machine Technology at Technical University - Sofia who had a stand in the Traveling Exhibition Beyond the Lab – Do It Yourself organized a Reversed Science Café discussion Digital Dental Implant Construction. University experts who team up with medical teams presented their achievements in...
The annual observance of the International Day of Disabled Persons was proclaimed in 1992, by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 47/3. It aims to promote the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities in all sectors of society, and to increase the awareness of their situation in every aspect of political,...
Having coffee with my doctor, an exciting event of the series of Sparks activities took place on 21st of November at 2 pm at the venue hosting the Exhibition. was presented and discussed. About  30 persons having cardiovascular problems or having relatives who have these joint to meet , D-r Porojliev, a cardiologist from...
On 29.09.2017 the Molecular Medicine Centre opened its doors to the public presenting the achievements of the modern “Omics” technologies and its application in medicine. Nearly hundred visitors of all ages were shown the laboratories for Metabolomics,and Proteomics, Next Generation Sequencing and Microarray...
On Friday 29 September, take a virtual tour of the CERN experiments from your armchair! The tours will be conducted in several languages and on Facebook live from the various CERN venues as follows:- 7 p.m. - ALICE, the experiment that studies quark-gluon plasma, a state of matter thought to have existed just after the Big Bang...
The Exhibition started in 2016 in London.Look at the citizens who did it:Image: Angela Moore
Presentation of the project SPARKS and the exhibition Beyond the Lab – Do It Yourself to the public at the Sofia Science Festival, May 2017.
Between November 8-11, the Centre for Research and Analysis (CRA) together with the Sofia University, the Agrobioinstitute, Sofia, the University of Food Technologies and the Maritsa Vegetable Crops Research Institute in Plovdiv will host a series of dialogue events dedicated to the latest food research, including ERC-funded...
On 30.09.2016 during the Researcher's Night a science café was organized on the premises of the Technical university of Sofia under the project SPARKS. Presented by one of its' developer, prof. Kostadin Kostadinov, was the Micrina IVF-01 robot designed to perform Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) - an assisted...
SUCCESS4AL - the new project in which CRA participates under Erazmus+. The idea was born on the basis of the triple nexus of entrepreneurship, inclusive education and ICT-enabled education. The overall objective of the SUCCESS4ALL project is to develop and demonstrate an innovative e-learning platform providing access to...


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