The concept of the entrepreneurship is facing multiple challenges, driven by а combination of fundamental changes such as climate change and biodiversity loss, new poverty, and digital divide among younger population cohorts, need for structural reforms and a substantial decrease of institutional trust. Complemented by the…
We are pleased to state that the FIT4FOOD 2030 project has been successfully completed. We participated as a partner of the European network of science centres and museums, Ecsite. We successfully created the City Lab Sofia which contributed to building efficient partnerships between entrepreneurs, universities, schools,…
In the frame of the FIT4FOOD 2030 project, in which the Center for Research and Analysis is a partner, and within the City Lab Sofia, we will organize a series of workshops at the end of September with the support of the "Blagichka - ZERO WASTE" company.
On June 10th, 2020 the YOUthCAP Consortium partners 1st met to discuss the project progress and the results achieved so far.
City Lab Sofia, established within FIT4FOO 2030 project, was invited to share its experience in the online seminar Cities as change agents: building competences for future food systems.
The Centre for Research and Analysis and Blagichka - ZERO WASTE are pleased to invite you to the online seminar With small steps - less waste in our homes and around the world, where we will talk about the philosophy of zero waste, offering basic steps to save money, optimize time, space, contribute to the environment…
The new project coordinated by the Centre for Research and Analysis, Employing Innovative tools for raising YOUTH organizations’ CAPacity and youth carrier development - YOUthCAP is financed under the ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME, KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, KA205 - Strategic Partnerships…
The Centre for Research announces the support opportunity for agri-food start-ups, an EIT FOOD initiative. EIT FOOD, a consortium of over 50 partners including European companies, research institutes and universities, is part of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT, an EU body).
In 2020, CRA is actively working on FIT4FOOD 2030 project, with school children as a target group. Early this year, a group of sixth graders gained knowledge of the food system in an atypical environment – in the open. In the following months the activities will focus on introducing good practices implemented by City Labs…
“Strategic partnership for AGRI-entrepreneurship and EcoInnovation” - AgriEco project, financed under the ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME, Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Strategic partnerships in the field of education, training and youth, Agreement n°2019-1-BG01-KA203-062284, KA 203/HE-26/17-09…